Name of the company: Nepal Nirvana Trails (P) Ltd.

Type of Company: Private Limited

Managing Director: Kul PrasadDhital (KP Dhital)

Address (Head office): Saatghumti Marg, Thamel

Key person: KP Dhital

Telephone Number: +977-1- 4700562

Direct Cell Number: +977- 9841380469 ( WhatsApp, Viber )

URL of Company:

E-mail address: /

  • About NNT

    The journey to the incredible land blessed with magnificent mountains begins from here at Nepal Nirvana Trails. We present you with the best rewarding trek to Nepal's spectacular beauty and unique culture. NNT specializes in trekking in the Everest region, Annapurna region, Manaslu region, and Langtang region as well as adventurous activities like white water ...

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  • Payment Methods

    ONLINE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARDYou can pay online to book your trip to Nepal. For the confirmation of the reservation, we require a deposit of 10%, 20%, 25%, or 100% of the total cost of the excursion for each person, which must be paid while booking from the website. The percentage of the booking is determined ...

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  • Terms and Conditions

    Please go through our terms and conditions mentioned below before booking your trip with us as they reflect the mutual understanding between Nepal Nirvana Trails and its clients. These terms and conditions are effective from the date you booked the trip with us and pay the initial deposit.General Booking ConditionFor the confirmation of the reservation, ...

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  • Privacy Policy

    Nepal Nirvana Trails collects information about their clients according to our Know Your Customer Policy. The company needs the information about you to arrange a smooth and effective trip to Nepal. However, we value the privacy of our esteemed clients. We appreciate that you hand over your confidential information to us with trust and ensure ...

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